Authentic Faith that wrestles with deep questions & ideas. We are open to each other’s convictions and doubts, and are willing to question our faith and be vulnerable with our brothers and sisters as we walk this amazing and often surprising path of faith.
Love of Others expressed in service to the community and focus on social justice. We serve. Not just on the first Sunday of the month, but in our everyday lives. We serve our friends, our neighbors, and yes, even our enemies.
Authentic Relationships which build discipleship, especially by mentoring our kids in the faith. Growing in faith is an intentional act that we live out in our everyday lives. By investing our time and love in each other, through prayer, study, mentorship, and just living life together, we grow in the faith and as a community.
Being a “Place of Peace” where authentic relationships and grace bring healing for those hurt by, or “done” with, the Church. Lifesong is a different kind of church. Many of us come from a background where “church” meant politics, bureaucracy, and burn-out. Instead we strive for something different, for a grace-filled community that is energizing, spontaneous, flexible, safe, and fun.
Rich Gregory, Senior Pastor - Rich leads Lifesong, preaches weekly, counsels and shepherds the flock. He is also the High School Spiritual Life Director at Oaks Christian School, and involved on the boards of the Dallas Willard Ministries, Young Life Conejo Valley, and James Storehouse. Rich can be reached at pastor@lifesongchristiancommunities.org.
Paul Eddy, President - Paul & his wife Ginny​ founded Lifesong more than 15 years ago. Paul leads the Lifesong Leadership Team and oversees the vision and direction of the church.
Mike Ricci, Vice President - Mike is a long-time member of Lifesong and the man with every tool to get the job done. Always first to volunteer and find a way to solve any problem.
Lori McClaury, Treasurer - Lori has more than 35 years of tax preparation and bookkeeping experience and ensures that Lifesong is a good steward of its finances, and more importantly, that Lifesong as a community is charitable and giving of its time and resources. She also sings weekly for our online services.
Scott McClaury, Secretary - Scott keeps the notes and the books in-line, and the Website and Newsletter on-line (as much as he can). Currently, Aly Hopkins is helping with the Newsletter & Social Media (FB & Instagram). Scott can be reached at office@lifesongchristiancommunities.org.
Chandra Spencer - Lead go-getter and Director of Outreach & Service, Chandra has a huge heart for service and social justice, and is always first in the charge to see that those in need have a voice and a helping hand. Chandra also serves on the board for Harbor House.
Ginny Eddy - One of the original founders of Lifesong, Ginny has the biggest heart and a knack for hospitality. She, along with other members the Dales & the Levins (among others), has delivered sack lunches for the homeless every Wednesday to Lutheran Social Services for over 15 years.
Kristen Gregory - Kristen is a voice of wisdom and keeps Pastor Rich in line (mostly). She's also highly involved with Lifesong's social presence on Facebook and produces our weekly services on FB & Instagram.
Josh Becker - Josh recently moved north to the Bay Area, but still actively participates in the Lifesong community and provides guidance and direction on the Leadership team. In addition to his time, he gives us his wisdom and perspective and keeps the ideas fresh and honest to the guidance of the holy spirit.